Saturday 27 December 2008

Ring Flash with a twist

Whenever I'm giving demonstrations at shows like 'Photokina' I tend to use ring flash.

For couple of reasons.

It gives the audience a clear view, uninterrupted by softboxes or umbrellas.

It also avoids having to reset the lights every time you take to the stage as another shooter is bound to have changed just about everything,with ring flash you have just one light to consider, it gives cool high fashion look too.

It can look a bit 'samey' though.

While we were setting up the show we had shot some 'straight' test shots which were fine (always get the safety shot in the bag first!)

Safety shot mission accomplished

I thought it would be interesting to try using the Profoto ring flash off camera.

On the floor

Yes, that's right on the floor, at 45 degrees to the model

I did it as a bit of fun, but I was knocked out by just how funky it looked

Still preserving a harsh but wrapped round look, with THAT shadow

I will be using this trick again, at shows and on 'real' shoots

Breaking the rules is fun!


Jason Bell said...


Not quite the ringflash but I was getting good effect with a diffused strobe (an SB-800 in this case).

Anyway, the client loved it and we named it the scooby doo effect. :)

Happy new year, greetings from Northern Ireland.


Jason Bell said...

And I forgot to paste the image :)


Unknown said...

Hey Jason

Good effect!

Happy New Year Mate!



Anonymous said...


I enjoyed visiting your blogs and website this year! Captivating story telling and narrative in your work! As I was reading your previous blog and your comment that you are getting more calls for this type of work, I don't know if you agree, but seems to me as culture and society is moving away from the rationally and scientifically dominated life to where art, design and intuition are equally relevant, this type of story-telling and expression will be more sought after.
I am an architecture professor and just began entering this visual world of photography but it is exciting.

Wish you a Happy New Year!


ylojelo said...

Glad to hear you're keeping busy, Drew! Glad I found your blog. This is J. Stoll ('Dan' is a game character name), I did the mermaid in the bathtub photo in Maine last summer. All the best in the new year!


Unknown said...

Hi Guys,

Thank you for the comments, a bit of mad bendy ring flash for you.

Good to hear from you Jay, I hope life is good for you.

The bath tub pic you sot at our Maine Media Wworkshop Class was a cracker!

