Thursday 20 December 2012

Last Minute Christmas Present for someone special (or yourself)

Workshops, downloads....e-books.

Everyone seems to be at it.

But I want to recommend this really superb ebook by Mediastorm via iTunes.

I have mentioned this book before but it is my designated Christmas read.

It covers everything you need to know about creating great multimedia project's, that really work.

Here are some screenshots from the book.

It is a steal at $10.00.


Libby said...

I'm buying one of your DVDs instead that I found the other day ;-) I need to order a few needed items from Mpex so the DVD will go in the cart too.

Honestly I've bought myself so much crap for Christmas I need to stop. The other day I bought a Pullman Loaf bread pan which almost no one uses. The pan makes a long loaf with a square profile. THe reason I bought is because it's a true challenge to bake with it. Breadbaking is a hobby of mine.

Unknown said...

Dear Libby

You are too kind.

Wishing your great 2013.

Warm Regards


Unknown said...

Dear Libby

You are too kind.

Wishing your great 2013.

Warm Regards
