From Thailand to Birmingham....
I always enjoy 'Focus On Imaging'at the Birmingham NEC
It serves as a great barometer of the Photographic world, seeing new trends, which companies are on the way up and which ones are having a harder time in this current climate
Overall I got the feeling that the recession in the photographic world is not as bad as it could have been
Midway through the show I have been struck by what seems a renewed interest in RAW imaging solutions
I only say this as I have been presenting on the Microsoft and Phase One booths and I cannot recall seeing bigger crowds nor a bigger demand for trial software
I think it could be down to photographers wanting to explore other ways of processing RAW images, in search of higher quality and an improved workflow
At the Microsoft stand I have been showing stills from my latest 'Forest' shoot
And today I will be showing the video teaser too
So, here are a few of the stills....
I will save tech spec and chatter for another time as I'm dashing out of my Hotel for my first presentation of the day.....excuse me!

Really love the wide shot at the top. Great as always!
Very nice... looks like editorial... just my guess.. but dont you think that the model is little far in this scene. Well, I will be on of your student in GPP 2009 in dubai
I was busily pushing things at the other end of the reproduction chain. Why capture and process a 16-bit image and then send it to an 8-bit printer? :-)
I was busy walking around. Great show all told and some really cool things happening this time around. Loving the fact that the Flash Centre was packed and that strobism is continuing to grow much to the disgust of the old skool !!!
There were pocket Wizards everywhere!!!
Hi Drew,
I missed you by moments when I was buying the DVD at The Flash Centre stand. Put down my deposit for the Ranger Quadra 2 head kit..
Loved the DVD, only one problem: It was too short!
More more!
Hi Guys
Thank you for all of your comments
Sorry I missed you Sean
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