So here it is at long last
Hope you like it, I put my heart and soul into it
It is available in the UK
and the USA
A visually stunning, action-packed educational DVD to inspire and inform photographers wishing to learn more about outdoor location lighting.
Join photographer Drew Gardner as he takes viewers behind the scenes on major location photo shoots and produces technically stunning images with expert use of light, lighting equipment and special effects.
This unique reality style DVD is aimed at professional and amateur photographers looking to improve location lighting techniques. Shot totally on location, Drew shows the challenges of creating fantastic lighting effects as he photographs beautiful models, a badger, and a water buffalo in stunning forest settings. It gives an insight into the inspiration, thought process and post production which go into these remarkable epic location shoots.
Drew says: ‘When I talk about shoots I’ve been on, many people say they wish they could come along. This DVD is a way of inviting them on set and seeing what is achievable.
‘It is instructional, educational, a little quirky and fun. There is a high level of instruction which is transferable, even if using a modest lighting set up. I wanted to show people photography is exciting. I didn’t want to do a more traditional lighting guide in a white studio talking about conventional lighting set ups. This is something completely different.’
Filled with practical shooting tips, Drew gives advice on using the Elinchrom Ranger autonomous lighting system and accessories, his favoured brand of equipment for his epic shoots.
Drew also demonstrates how to process the images and post production techniques using Phase One’s Capture One Pro Version 4, which he describes as ‘in my opinion, the best raw imaging software out there on the market’
Eric Joakim, Regional Sales Manager, Phase One, said: ‘This is a superb instructional DVD taking the viewer through every aspect of a major location shoot (actually 2 of them!) from the planning stage right through to exactly how the final image is achieved! Drew is overwhelmingly generous with the information that he divulges, more than any other DVD of this type that I have seen.”
Dave Beck, operations director of The Flash Centre said: "At last! An educational DVD that shows 'how to' in a lively and enthusiastic fashion by one of the UK's most exciting and sought after photographers"
Background to the photographer:
This year, Drew celebrates 30 years as a professional photographer. He is also a workshop tutor and international seminar speaker. Drew’s trademark epic location productions have been nominated for a host of major awards and his blog has a huge following.
‘ Positively mad, not to mention brilliant, Drew is unstinting in dispensing his considerable knowledge, a genius at controlling huge shoots (fashion models and wild animals, what could go wrong?) and a hoot to boot’ Joe McNally, internationally acclaimed American photographer. www.joemcnally.com
‘A helluva photographer; an A-lister out of the UK. Drew makes some amazing photos, and has a wonderful sense of humour and whimsy that shows in his work. Drew's world is one of big lights and big ideas. I mean, when is the last time you rented a water buffalo for a shoot? ‘ David Hobby, American photographer, lighting specialist and blogger extraordinaire www.strobist.com